Barry Larkin Collection 1,023: 1995 Stadium Club - #407 - Super Team World Series

Barry Larkin
Year:  1995
Brand:  Stadium Club
Parallel set:  Super Team World Series
Card number:  407

We've finally made it to the one base card Super Team World Series parallel that I think looks okay with the addition of the big, gold stamp.  The Cover Story subset looks like a magazine cover and the foil stamp sort of adds to the overall aesthetic making this seem like it's a cover story about Larkin's World Series win or something.  Of course, it's not a card about that but you don't know that to be the case until you flip the card over and read the back.  Hey, I didn't say the stamp was great but it is at least less jarring on this particular subset as opposed to most of the other base cards from the 1995 Stadium Club set!
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