Board Game Friday: March 2023 Games Played Recap!

Apparently, me being a month behind on posting my monthly board gaming recaps is now a thing.  It took me until nearly the end of March to discuss February's plays and now April is nearly over and I'm finally getting around to discussing March's plays.

Without further ado, here are my (in person) board game plays for the month of March 2024 (33 total plays spread across 14 games):

The month of March was quite busy for me, other than one week when I was off for spring break.  I definitely got a fair bit of board gaming in that week!  Also, my numbers are buoyed a bit by the fact that my son (briefly) got obsessed with the game King of Tokyo.  We knocked out seven plays of that game in short succession (but since then he's never asked to play the game again)!

The month of March saw me get to try out three new-to-me games.  Ancient Realm is a solo game that I enjoyed.  It's a puzzle-like game with a civilization theme to it.  Burgle Bros. is a cooperative game that I played with a friend.  We both enjoyed our two plays of the game but I'll probably end up trading the game away because I think I like some of my other coop games I own better.  Finally, Aeon's End is another coop game that I played with that same friend (we played his copy).  It was also a fun game, and one I think I'd be likely to try and track down for myself if my friend didn't already own a copy!

As for a preview of my game playing in April, I can (unfortunately) report that April was much, much busier on the work front for me (plus now I'm coaching my son's tee ball team) so I haven't had time to play many games.  Don't expect to see total monthly plays in the 30s again for awhile.
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